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DRAZ, Eisenberg & Baum, Richards and Moskowitz were proud to co-counsel with the AZ AG Office regarding equal access to healthcare

Accessibility, Health Care

Disability Rights Arizona, Eisenberg & Baum and Richards and Moskowitz represented a patient in a civil rights lawsuit and were proud to co-counsel with the Arizona Attorney General’s Office regarding equal access to healthcare.

The Arizonans with Disabilities Act (AzDA) and the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) require hospitals and other healthcare offices to provide effective communication for their patients in all services, including appointments, hospital stays, emergency room visits, and healthcare education classes. People who are deaf or hard of hearing face communication barriers without necessary auxiliary aids and services, such as sign language interpreters, captioning, CART services, and assistive listening devices and systems. If you believe a healthcare provider has denied you the necessary auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, you can submit a Civil Rights Questionnaire to the Attorney General’s Office to initiate a complaint and contact DRAZ to learn more about your rights under the AzDA and ADA.

Read the Arizona Attorney General’s full press release and Consent Decree in this case here.

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