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Special Education Tip-of-the-Day: Dispute Resolution


By Jessica Jansepar Ross, Attorney

There are a variety of ways that parents can address disputes about special education services under the IDEA. Some are informal—such as requesting an IEP meeting and discussing concerns with the IEP team, or requesting a Facilitated IEP meeting. Others involve the right to request more formal processes, such as investigations and due process hearings.

In the coming days, we will discuss the following complaint resolution options:

  • An Independent Educational Evaluation (at district expense)
  • A Facilitated IEP meeting
  • Mediation facilitated by a neutral party
  • File a State Complaint with the Arizona Department of Education (ADE)
  • A Due Process Hearing before an administrative law judge

These options—except Facilitated IEP meetings—are spelled out in your school district’s Procedural Safeguard Notice (reviewed earlier in the blog.) As we discuss dispute resolution options, we will summarize what to expect in these processes, as well as provide tips on how to prepare so that you can be a better advocate for your child’s educational rights. We will also be discussing how the dispute resolution option that you choose can impact your child’s placement while the issue is resolved.

In the meantime, you can read more on dispute resolution on ADE’s website.

Tomorrow’s Tip-of-the-Day: Stay Put

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