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Skylar Colavito

Staff Attorney

Skylar Colavito joined DRAZ in May 2021 as a staff attorney. Skylar’s work focuses on civil rights and access to healthcare, including handling intakes from incarcerated individuals. Skylar is an attorney with lived experience who grew up learning advocacy from her mother. Skylar could not read or write until fourth grade; schools treated her as though she could not learn, but thanks to her mother’s advocacy, Skylar accessed the resources she needed to learn in a way that worked with her disabilities.

Skylar graduated from the University of Arizona with a degree in creative writing and a thematic law minor focusing on social justice before continuing to law school. Skylar graduated from the University of Arizona James E Rogers College of Law in May 2014 where she was the Vice President of her law school’s chapter of the ACLU.  Before working at DRAZ, she was an Assistant Attorney General’s Child and Family Protection Division.  Skylar loves animals and lives with her cat, snake, and two dogs (a service dog, and a service dog in training). In her free time, she enjoys needle felting, writing, Dungeons and Dragons, sci-fi and fantasy books, and all things nerdy. 

Find Resources or Apply for Assistance

We are committed in providing accurate disability-related legal information and advice to more individuals who need our services and assistance. In addition to limited legal representation, our goal is to provide efficient, streamlined services to educate people with disabilities and their family members on how to enforce their legal rights through self advocacy.
