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About Us

Disability Rights Arizona is the protection and advocacy agency for Arizonans with disabilities. DRAZ is a not for profit public interest law firm, dedicated to protecting the rights of individuals with a wide range of physical, mental, psychiatric, sensory and cognitive disabilities.

Two lawyers, one using a motorized wheelchair, review legal documents on their laptops outside

Disability Rights Arizona is the protection and advocacy agency for Arizonans with disabilities. DRAZ is a not for profit public interest law firm, dedicated to protecting the rights of individuals with a wide range of physical, mental, psychiatric, sensory and cognitive disabilities.

What is Disability Rights Arizona?

Disability Rights Arizona (DRAZ) is a not-for-profit public interest law firm, dedicated to protecting the rights of individuals with a wide range of physical, mental, psychiatric, sensory and cognitive disabilities.

As part of the nationwide protection and advocacy (P&A) system, DRAZ provides free legal services, under several major programs:

  • Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities (PADD)
  • Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI)
  • Client Assistance Program (CAP)
  • Assistive Technology Advocacy Program (AT)
  • Protection & Advocacy of Individual Rights (PAIR)
  • Protection & Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS)
  • Protection & Advocacy for Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury (PATBI)
  • Protection & Advocacy for Voting Access (PAVA)

Our Mission

DRAZ is a non-profit law firm that assists Arizonans with disabilities to promote and protect their legal rights to independence, justice, and equality.

Our Vision

A society where people with disabilities enjoy full acceptance without barriers.

Our Staff

Who does Disability Rights Arizona help?

People with Disabilities.

DRAZ provides legal services to people who have a wide range of physical, mental, psychiatric, sensory and cognitive disabilities. We receive specific federal protection and advocacy funding to assist people with certain kinds of disabilities, such as developmental disabilities or serious mental illness. If you call DRAZ requesting help, we have to ask you about your disability because of our funding requirements.

DRAZ does not handle general legal problems encountered by all people whether they have disabilities or not, such as probate of an estate, obtaining a divorce, or filing for bankruptcy.

Demand for DRAZ services far exceeds our resources. Every year, we are required to adopt priority areas for its services based on public input. These priorities are available upon request.

Given our limited resources, DRAZ staff must concentrate on cases where advocacy will make a difference. If another organization can handle the matter, or the claim has limited merit given the time and resources needed to resolve it, DRAZ may be unable to take on the case.

If a person meets these guidelines, assistance is provided based on the availability of staff and resources.

DRAZ’s Grievance Policy

If you need to file a grievance with DRA, please download a copy of our Grievance Policy below and follow the instructions.

Find Resources or Apply for Assistance

We are committed in providing accurate disability-related legal information and advice to more individuals who need our services and assistance. In addition to limited legal representation, our goal is to provide efficient, streamlined services to educate people with disabilities and their family members on how to enforce their legal rights through self advocacy.
