People with disabilities have a great need for legal assistance. But the demand for free legal and advocacy services to address disability-related legal issues is far greater than DRAZ’s resources. To make the most of the available resources, each year DRAZ develops areas of focus to serve people with disabilities who fit into specific federal program eligibility guidelines.
People with disabilities have a great need for legal assistance. But the demand for free legal and advocacy services to address disability-related legal issues is far greater than DRAZ’s resources. To make the most of the available resources, each year DRAZ develops areas of focus to serve people with disabilities who fit into specific federal program eligibility guidelines.
DRAZ 2024 Areas of Focus
Please read our goals and Areas of Focus for FY 24 as previously approved by our Board of Directors.
En Espanol: Lea nuestras metas y áreas de enfoque aprobadas por nuestra Junta Directiva para el año fiscal 2024.
FY24 Areas of Focus
FY24 American Sign Language (ASL)
DRAZ 2025 Areas of Focus
Each fiscal year, Disability Rights Arizona develops Areas of Focus. We want to know what disability issues are most important to the disability community and other various stakeholders.We send out a survey, asking the community to give us their views on what we should focus upon for the upcoming fiscal year.
These public comments ensure that DRAZ creates a work plan regarding the activities of the agency to better serve the community and prioritize the needs of all people with disabilities.
The areas of focus for Fiscal Year 2025:
- Intervene on behalf of students with disabilities to secure a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
- Ensure people with disabilities are safe from abuse and neglect at school, work, medical providers and at home
- Intervene on behalf of people with disabilities for access to medically necessary healthcare and other appropriate services.
- Advocate for people with disabilities to have equal access to integrated jobs that pay at least minimum wage
- Reduce unnecessary institutionalization of people with disabilities and improve home and community-based healthcare services and supports
- Protect the housing rights of people with disabilities under both federal and state law
- Advocate for the expansion of accessible voting and polling places for people with disabilities.
- Advocate for a safe, equitable and just criminal legal system for people with disabilities
DRAZ Board of Directors which, in conjunction with the PAIMI Advisory Council, helps determine our priorities with staff each year. These objectives are a large part of how DRAZ measures success and are used to hold us accountable to our grant funders.
The DRAZ Board of Directors approved the FY 25 Areas of Focus on September 19, 2024.
En Espanol: La Junta Directiva de DRAZ aprobó las Áreas de Enfoque del FY 25 el 19 de septiembre de 2024.