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Apply for Assistance

If you think that your legal rights have been violated because of a disability, Disability Rights Arizona may be able to help. If you think you have been abused or neglected, discriminated against, or denied services, please fill out our Intake form. If we can’t help, we’ll try to connect you with someone who can. Disability Rights Arizona does not charge its clients for services.

Types of Help

Immediate help with staff-created resources.

Have you looked in our resources for answers? Disability Rights Arizona’s library of resources features hundreds of posts addressing common disability rights questions. Self-advocates often have particular areas of interest for their advocacy efforts. These resources have been developed using the expertise of Disability Rights Arizona staff.

Application for legal help from our staff.

In addition to calling us, you may fill out our online intake form. If you prefer to call, DRAZ’s intake phone number is: 1-602-274-6287 or 1-800-927-2260.

If you have reviewed our resources and still have questions, or believe your issue is one we can assist with, please start an application below.

Intake Closed from December 20 through January 3


Thank you for contacting Disability Rights Arizona. Please note, DRAZ will not be taking any new intakes from December 20, 2024, through January 3, 2025, for the Christmas holiday.  We will reopen on Monday, January 6, 2025.

If you need help with a legal issue during this time frame, please contact the State Bar of Arizona at: to use the Find a Lawyer program. You may also go online to AZ Law Help or call them at 866-637-5341 to apply for free or low-cost legal help.

For more general legal rights information, please check out our self-advocacy resources and videos.

For media or outreach requests, please email

Happy Holidays!

Submitted an intake application?