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Gail Lanham

COMIT Program Manager
Compliance, Oversight, Monitoring, and Investigations Team

Gail Lanham has been an advocate for persons with disabilities for the past 30 years. She earned her BA at the University of Arizona, and a Masters in Social Work at Arizona State University. She started her professional career as program monitor with Pima Health System, monitoring home based services for elderly persons. She was the Director of Direct Independent Living Center when the ADA was approved, and worked with the University of Arizona, local government, and local businesses to implement the provisions of the ADA. Gail secured a HUD grant for DIRECT ILC to educate persons with disabilities on the Fair Housing Act.  Gail supervised a quality management staff who monitored group home services in Ohio for persons with developmental disabilities. Gail served as an ALTCS Manager for the Elderly/Physically Disabled population for 13 years. Gail joined DRAZ in 2019 as a STAT Intake Advocate. For the past year, Gail has served as the COMIT Manager working with teams monitoring group homes and investigating quality of care complaints.

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We are committed in providing accurate disability-related legal information and advice to more individuals who need our services and assistance. In addition to limited legal representation, our goal is to provide efficient, streamlined services to educate people with disabilities and their family members on how to enforce their legal rights through self advocacy.
