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Michele D. Stokes

Vice Chair

Michele D. Stokes began serving on the Board in 2020. Her interest in serving DRAZ heightened when her husband with severe disabilities experienced systemic discrimination in both the mental health system and the taxi system. Her husband requires 24/7 caregiving and is her highest priority. She has over 37 years of experience serving people with disabilities in city government, business, employment, and recreation. She retired from the city of Phoenix as a Recreation Supervisor, and was a Phoenix Equal Opportunity Specialist. She then served the city of Tempe as the ADA Title II Compliance Specialist. She now owns her own company providing ADA consulting in Program Access, Communications, and Plain Language Translations. She serves as Vice-Chair of the Arizona ADA Coordinators Coalition. Michele earned her Bachelor of Science degree from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University in 1989. Michele’s had profound hearing loss since she was three years old. She reads lips and uses hearing aids, captions, and oral interpreters. She has four children, eleven grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. 

Find Resources or Apply for Assistance

We are committed in providing accurate disability-related legal information and advice to more individuals who need our services and assistance. In addition to limited legal representation, our goal is to provide efficient, streamlined services to educate people with disabilities and their family members on how to enforce their legal rights through self advocacy.
