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Renaldo Fowler

Senior Staff Advocate

Renaldo is a Senior Staff Advocate with Disability Rights Arizona, where he has been employed since 1984. Renaldo joined DRAZ following his graduation from Arizona State University and has worked in the disability advocacy field for nearly four decades. He has been a voice in the state regarding racial discrimination, bias discipline practices, as well as the disproportionality, over identification and underserved needs of African American students in special education. 

Renaldo is also co-founder of the African American Conference on Disabilities (AACD). The AACD is the premier comprehensive disability conference in the United States that addresses the intersection between race and disability. Renaldo is also the Coordinator of the Protection and Advocacy for Voting Access program (PAVA). The purpose of PAVA, is to ensure persons with disabilities have an opportunity to vote privately and independently and have full participation in the electoral process, in registering to vote, casting a vote and accessing polling places. Renaldo has worked with Arizona’s Elections officials and advocates from the disability community to improve access to the electoral process for Arizonans with disabilities.

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We are committed in providing accurate disability-related legal information and advice to more individuals who need our services and assistance. In addition to limited legal representation, our goal is to provide efficient, streamlined services to educate people with disabilities and their family members on how to enforce their legal rights through self advocacy.
