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Did You Know Dozen: Tip #10 Trial Work Experiences and Assistive Technology

Client Assistance Program & Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment

Did you know you can request Assistive Technology (AT) training and devices before you begin your Trial Work Experience (TWE)?

VR will occasionally have someone participate in a TWE to help them decide if the person is eligible for VR services. A TWE is done in a realistic work setting and evaluates the VR applicant’s abilities to benefit from VR services to reach a successful employment outcome.  If the applicant needs AT training or devices to fully participate in that TWE, then they can ask VR to provide them during the TWE.

For example, Adrian wishes to become a cosmetologist and VR is requiring Adrian to participate in a TWE at a salon.  Adrian will stock beauty supplies, sweep floors, and sanitize stations between appointments. Adrian is Deaf and uses ASL.  She needs a tablet and access to Video Remote Interpreter on demand when she is being given instructions or feedback by her supervisors.  Adrian should ask VR to provide the tablet and video remote interpreting for the TWE.

If you have a dispute with VR about assistive technology during TWE, you may call DRAZ and do an intake form.

Source for Today’s Tip: 34 CFR §361.42 (e)(iv).

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