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2024 Session #1: An International prospective on Trauma: Common Threads from Phoenix to Nairobi:

February 14, 2024

We are closer than you know. What is the thread that runs and pulls Black people from two different continents together?
The Social Determinants of Health (SDoH): They are the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, and the wider set of forces and systems shaping the conditions of daily life. These forces and systems include economic policies and systems, development agendas, social norms, social policies and political systems (World Health Organization, 2023). We’re taking a deeper dive into the SDoH’s to view and compare how Black people, regardless of where we live, are impacted by trauma and can still become resilient.”

Presenter: Carlian W. Dawson, Ed.D.

Carlian W. Dawson, Ed.D. has more than 40 years of broad-based experience as a teacher, principal (retired), associate professor, director of diversity for a major land grant university and a non-profit director. She develops and facilitates training for educators and business professionals at every level. Dr. Dawson has invaluable experience as one of the developers and Master Trainer-of-Trainers for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) for the AZ ACEs Consortium and the Neurosequential Model for Caregivers (NMC) with the Arizona Council of Human Service Providers. A graduate from Grand Canyon University, Dr. Dawson also has two Master’s Degrees from Arizona State University in Multicultural Education and School Administration and, a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Illinois State University. She’s been married for 37 years to Roy and they have 7 children, and 9 grandchildren.

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