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Client Assistance Program

Client Assistance Program & Vocational Rehabilitation

Help for Applicants and Clients of Vocational Rehabilitation

The Disability Rights Arizona (DRAZ) is a non-profit public interest law firm. DRAZ is dedicated to protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities and provides legal advocacy services related to special education, transition, vocational services, employment, housing, and public accommodations. DRAZ runs the Client Assistance Program (CAP). CAP staff help people with disabilities understand and exercise their rights as a Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) applicant or client.

You can contact CAP if:

  • You are denied the right to apply or reapply for VR services;
  • You are found ineligible for services;
  • You and your VR counselor do not agree on your employment goal;
  • You are unhappy with the services VR is providing you to reach your goal or with the agency or individual providing you the services;
  • Your VR services have been denied, delayed, reduced or stopped;
  • Your VR case is being closed;
  • You are not allowed to apply for Post-employment services;
  • You would like information on employment protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Types of Help CAP provides:

  • Information and Referral – self-advocacy materials on services under the Rehabilitation Act and the ADA and referrals to other resources. DRAZ’s website also has several self-advocacy guides and Fact Sheets on VR services and applicant/client rights.
  • Advocacy Assistance – help resolve problems at the lowest level between applicants/clients and VR staff.
  • Representation, in select cases – individualized representation in meetings with VR staff and/or throughout the appeal process.
  • Training – on VR client rights to disability-related advocacy groups and service providers.

How to contact CAP:

Call 602-274-6287 (or toll free at 800-927-2260)

Complete an online request for services on our website under Getting Help.

CAP services are free and confidential!

Funding for this brochure was provided through grants from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services, Rehabilitation Services Administration.


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