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Press Releases

Disability Rights Arizona will regularly post all current press releases on important topics pertaining to our work. Members of the media who are interested in contacting DRAZ are encouraged to contact our Communications and Outreach Manager at 520-327-9547 ext 311 or Please include your deadline. For a current list of all press releases please follow the link below.

Disability Rights Arizona will regularly post all current press releases on important topics pertaining to our work. Members of the media who are interested in contacting DRAZ are encouraged to contact our Communications and Outreach Manager at 520-327-9547 ext 311 or Please include your deadline. For a current list of all press releases please follow the link below.

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Press Statement for Immediate Release, Disability Rights Arizona
Disability Rights Arizona (DRAZ) and the Arizona Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (ADDPC) have released a joint statement concerning comments made from current…
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For Immediate Release


For the Media

Identity Guidelines

Please use the primary version of the Disability Rights Arizona logo. It features the full name of DRAZ. The full color of the logo, presented here, should only be used on a white background.

Disability Rights Arizona Logo - Home

When reporting on people with disabilities, consider disability-inclusive and sensitive language.  For instance, statements like “people with disabilities” and “uses a wheelchair” are preferred instead of “the disabled” or “wheelchair bound.” For more information, see Communicating About People with Disabilities from the National Disability Rights Network.

We also want to share resources you may find helpful in reporting about disability issues and in interviewing disabled people. The National Center on Disability and Journalism, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications, Arizona State University has a Disability Language Style Guide. Whenever possible, write your document or presentation in plain language. For more information see the Autistic Self Advocacy Network guide for more information. And, the Society of Professional Journalists has a section on Covering Disability Issues in its Diversity Toolbox.

If you are a member of the media and want to speak with someone about a story you are working on, email Natalie Luna Rose, at about your request and be sure to include your deadline. (Important note: If you are not a member of the media, and you are seeking assistance from DRAZ staff about an issue related to your disability, do not email Natalie; that will only delay our ability to help you. Please schedule an intake appointment with our office online or call 602-274-6287.)
