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Text-to-911 Now Available Throughout Arizona

Accessibility, Effective Communication

This blog post shares the status regarding DRAZ’s landmark ADA settlements under which Text-to-911 has been deployed throughout Arizona.

  • The Arizona Department of Administration’s Arizona 9-1-1 Program made funding available for all Arizona counties to implement Text-to-9-1-1 beginning August 3, 2018.
  • Text-to-911 is NOW available in EVERY county in Arizona.
  • Here is what you need to do to use Text-to-911 during an emergency: open a new text message in your phone’s messaging app, enter 911 as the recipient, type your message and hit “send.”

DRAZ Attorneys Asim Dietrich and Rose Daly-Rooney and former DRAZ Attorney, Chris Carlsen handled this matter.

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